About the University Centre of South Iceland.
The University Centre of South Iceland is a private company owned by 14 municipalities in South Iceland as well as the Association of Southern Municipalities/SASS, and covers the geographical area from Selvogur in the west to Lón in the east.
Vision of the future
The University Centre of South Iceland is the main partner for universities, municipalities, companies, institutions, the public, and the state, in the field of education and innovation in the South.
The University Centre of South Iceland takes the initiative to increase the quality of life in the South by bringing education, research and innovation closer to the region, in collaboration with the community.
Initiative and cooperation
We define four main goals:
We describe each main goal in more detail with sub-goals/work goals:
- Collaborate with universities on flexible study and teaching arrangements.
- Develop study paths with the needs of the population and the economy in mind, for the South region.
- Operate approved facilities for taking exam’s, across the South region.
- Operate, or collaborate with partner´s on offering, study centers for students, across the South region.
- Actively cooperate with the Association of Southern Municipalities (SASS) on projects related to the South Iceland Action Plan, the regional development plan for South Iceland (Sóknaráætlun Suðurlands).
- Take the initiative for new developmental projects, both domestic and foreign.
- Follow up on successful projects, e.g., Katla UNESCO Global Geopark.
- Promote a strong innovation environment in the South region.
- Actively collaborate with SASS on innovation.
- Work with businesses, and associations of businesses, in the South region.
- Collaborate with research and scientific institutions, both national and international.
- Work with knowledge centers in the South region on research and academic work.
- Participate in the work of the Science and Research Fund of South Iceland.
The University Centre´s purpose is to increase the quality of life and strengthen the economy in the South by;
university studies in cooperation with lifelong learning centers in the South region and in cooperation with Icelandic and foreign universities.
continuing education suitable for the working world, on your own or in cooperation with others.
and strengthen research in the region by increasing cooperation between research institutes and companies.
Search for
and share foreign knowledge through cooperation with foreign parties in the field of education and research.