Entrepreneur CenterThe purpose of Hreiðrið is to support and promote entrepreneurs in the South. Increase their knowledge and awareness in the field of innovation, product development and marketing and thus increase the number of well-defined and designed projects in the region.

This also makes the entrepreneurs more capable of obtaining capital, either through competition and/or index funds, as well as other means of financing. The goal is to create new products and/or services for entrepreneurs in the South, as well as increase the number of jobs in the region.
Hreiðrið in Selfoss is managed by the University Centre of South Iceland, but there is collaboration on entrepreneurial mentoring with consultants from the Association of Southern Municipalities/SASS, FabLab Selfoss and Atorka, as well as mentors from the Southern community.
Working facilities are available in Hreiðrið, located in Fjölheim, together with the guidance of a consultant, which is designed based on the needs of the entrepreneur. Several entrepreneurs can work in Hreiðrið at the same time and therefore also enjoy peer support. If you believe that your project could flourish under these conditions, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with Hreiðrið.

Anyone who is interested in developing their idea for a product/service can get facilities in Hreiðrið, as long as space is available.
Office facilities are available in a room with 4 desks, internet connection, monitor, keyboard, mouse and desk chair. Entrepreneurs bring their own computers. Access to FabLab Selfoss in Fjölbrautskóli Suðurland in consultation with its director. Work tables (desks) in Hreiðrið can be double-seated. Lockers are available for personal belongings and other personal items to be kept on site. There is access to a cafeteria but one must bring his own food and drinks to be consumed their. There is also access to meeting rooms with teleconferencing equipment.
While an entrepreneur has facilities in Hreiðrið, he has access to HfSu’s advisors. to work on the advancement of his idea in the way he deems best. Consultants HfSu. can assist in applying for funding for projects, for example, in Uppbyggingarsjóður Suðurlands (Development Fund), Rannís funds, etc.
Employees of the University Centre interview applicants in Hreiðrið and assess their need for assistance and the duration of the contract before finalizing the contract.
Subsequently, an agreement is made between the entrepreneur and University Centre (HFSU) regarding the length of the period, which part of the project in the field of innovation, product development and marketing the person intends to work on in Hreiðrið and what advice the entrepeneur can seek from HfSU’s advisors.
In the beginning, an agreement is made about how long the entrepreneur wants to use the facilities in Hreiðrið and access to advisers. The period is a minimum of one month in the beginning and a maximum of 6 months. At the end of the period, the need for continuation is assessed and can be extended for up to 12 months.
Costs are kept to a minimum. An access fee (key-fee) is paid for receiving an access card of ISK. 2000 which is refunded when the card is returned. The monthly fee for facilities in Hreiðrið and access to consultants is between ISK 10,000-15,000/month and depends on the length of the contract.