Atvinnubrú (Bridge to employment) under the management of The University Center of South Iceland in collaboration with Sóknaráætlun Suðurlands is looking for companies to participate in online lunch meetings between September 15 and November 15 2024.
The lunch meetings are a platform for companies to present their activities to university students and other interested parties, and the goal is to open the door to increased networking and cooperation between companies in the South.
We often do not know how activities are within companies, which projects are prioritized and why. The flora of the staff can be very diverse and the background of the employees different. There are a lot of activities here that we don’t even know about, so we want to open up the possibility for operators to introduce themselves and get to know others in the area. It costs nothing to participate, but you can register to participate by clicking here .
Those who want to even go a step further and invite university students to visit can also register to play. The visits are only intended for university students and should give the possibility of a larger network of connections, innovation, job creation or open up potential opportunities that lie in the air.
All further information is provided by project manager Helga Kristín by e-mail: .
Það er óhætt að segja að sjón sé sögu ríkari og auðvitað alltaf skemmtilegast að ganga inn í sýningarrýmin og upplifa hljóð, ljós og mynd á eigin skinni. Þeir sem eru ekki búsettir í nálægð við Hveragerði eða eiga erfitt um vik geta þó notið verkanna á annan hátt. Hægt er að skoða safneign Listasafns Árnesinga með þvi að smella hér.
Að auki er nú hægt að ganga í gegnum safnið í þriðju vídd og ferðast um sýningar þess með hjálp grafíkur. Endilega kíkið í heimsókn hér.
Við sendum Kristínu og starfsmönnum Listasafnsins innilegar þakkir fyrir hlýjar móttökur og hvetjum öll til þess að heimsækja safnið og njóta lystisemda þess.