Education Motivation (Menntahvöt project)
encouragement for increased study in the SouthThe project Menntahvöt (Education Motivation) is one of the priority projects (áhersluverkefni) of South Iceland´s Action Plan (Sóknaráætlun Suðurlands), which aims to raise the level of education in the region by 5% by 2025.
The project is intended to encourage learning by promoting education opportunities, among others, that are available, with emphasis on distance learning and flexible learning that can be pursued outside the walls of traditional educational institutions, whether it is secondary school or university studies and/or general courses of various kinds.
In the South, continuous support is available for all kinds of flexible learning, from the curriculum offered by the educational centers (Fræðslunet Suðurlands and Viska), to remote learning in secondary schools, along with flexible learning in the universities. Exam services for distant learning students are offered all over South Iceland, as well as access to study centers.

Distance learning options

Distance learning at secondary school level
The following list is an overview of the secondary schools that offer distance learning and/or flexible learning for final exams...
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Distance learning at university level
The following list is an overview of Icelandic universities that offer distance learning and/or flexible learning for final exams...
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Preparatory studies to universities
A matriculation degree is generally a university entrance requirement, but three universities have defined a special supplementary course...
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