The first grant from the Southern Science and Research Fund was in 2002, but since then the fund has supported southern student projects every year. The fund was originally established by the Education Network of Suðurland, but in 2010 the University Association of Suðurland joined as a partner.
Changes and updates
A turning point occurred this summer when the Education Network decided to entrust the University Association with the operation of the fund, and it is now entirely under the management of the association.
There are many opportunities in this transfer, so it was decided to review the process and make suggestions for updates. The first involved preparing an application form on HfSu’s website in order to coordinate submitted applications and simplify the process. Another update included creating a logo for the fund and making information about it available on the company’s website. The third update, and probably the biggest one, involved rethinking the application period with a view to making it easier for students to apply, but starting with the next application deadline, applications will be open until the 5th. January 2024 and beneficiaries notified of the allocation at the end of January. As before, grant recipients will be invited to the Science and Research Fund’s gala meeting where they will receive the grant from the President of Iceland.
In addition to the aforementioned changes, several new sponsors have joined the group, but this is extremely important for a fund like this, and the University Association is very grateful to them. An overview of sponsors can be obtained here , but others who may be interested in supporting the fund and thus southern student projects are encouraged to contact the executive director of the University Association at the email address
42 projects in 20 years
Since the beginning of the fund, 42 projects have received funding from the fund. The projects are of all kinds and can be anything from BA/BS projects to doctoral projects, but you can familiarize yourself with older projects on the website The University of South Iceland /
Applications have been opened for allocation in January 2024
Applications for the fund have now been opened, but interested students can learn more about the prerequisites for applications in the fund rules.. The application form is also available on the company’s website here .
The University Association of Suðurland encourages all students who are working on final projects that have value for southern society, to familiarize themselves with the fund and assess whether their project is relevant. If any questions arise, we encourage students to contact us at the email address